A Synodal Discernment on a Catechetical Drama called “Service of Light,” Its Impact on the Integral Education and Edification of Faith of the Laity
Service of Light, Easter Vigil, Semiosis, Resurrection, Christ as Light of the worldAbstract
Synodality is a vital characteristic of the Catholic Church's life and mission, highlighting joint revitalization through listening, discernment, and active participation. Inspired by this concept, researchers started a study exploring the impact of the "Service of Light," a catechetical drama observed during Easter vigil, on local parishioners within the Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia in the Philippines. Employing an exploratory and qualitative approach, the researchers examined the denotative and connotative meanings embedded in images and narratives surrounding this ritual, using Roland Barthes' semiotic model for analysis. The study involved visiting five local Catholic parishes within the archdiocese, conducting purposive sampling for survey interviews, and gathering visuals. Results uncovered meaningful impacts of the Service of Light on the integral Christian education and spiritual edification of the parishioners. The catechetical drama served as a powerful teaching tool that deepened the parishioners’ understanding of Christian doctrine. It helped develop a sense of belonging within their faith community. Moreover, the Service of Light generated spiritual renewal and strengthened individual faith. The ritual's symbolism aroused a deeper connection with God, empowering parishioners to live out their faith more fully in daily life. The Service of Light was acknowledged as a tool of faith that continues to inspire the parishioners to bear fruit for years to come. In conclusion, the study underscores the significance of the Service of Light in parishioners' Christian education and spiritual journey, emphasizing its role in fostering community, deepening understanding of faith, and inspiring personal and communal growth. As a recommendation, the researchers are suggesting future research to explore the perspectives of ordained clergy for a comprehensive understanding of its impact on Christian communities.
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