Inner Dimensions of Truth: Paradigms for the Faith and Mission of Catholic Education
Truth, Faith, Mission, Catholic EducationAbstract
The paper examines the inner dimensions of truth by investigating Jewish-Christian Scriptures, Doctors of the Church (Augustine, Aquinas, and Bonaventure), and Pontiffs (John Paul II and Benedict XVI). Through phenomenological and dialogic thinking, the inner dimension of truth is surfaced as personal and interior enlightenment and divine revelation (Scriptures), as dialogical communications (Benedict XVI), as God's grace bestowing perpetual liberation (Augustine and John Paul II) as the realization that man is a manifestation of God (Aquinas), as action (Scriptures and Bonaventure) as reciprocal acts of love, justice, and the promotion of the common good (Scriptures and Benedict XVI). These inner dynamics serve as a framework of Catholic education, teaching the notion of truth according to its faith and mission, establishing a Divine – human relatedness and an initiation process. Truth is bestowed, and humans are encouraged to accept and present themselves to Truth.
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