Forming The Youth in and for The Liturgy in The Light of St. Pope John Paul Ii’s Apostolic


  • Ryan Gasparillo



Youth, Liturgical Ministry, Pope John Paul II, Dilecti Amici, Church


This paper is an exploration of the elements for developing a program of liturgical formation according to the principles and themes indicated in Pope John Paul II’s Dilecti Amici. It is in line with the celebration of the 2019 Year of the Youth, as it endeavors to get to know the youth better in view of ministering to them more effectively. Indicated in the paper is a general overview of the current situation of the youth, highlighting such features as those pertinent to their interests and capacity for liturgical participation. By learning the proper exercise of their ministry and being imbued with the true spirit of the liturgy, they will be able to bring themselves and the people whom they serve to a more devout and fruitful participation in liturgical celebrations.  The paper offered an exposition of Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter Dilecti Amici to bring to clearer light his vision for young people in and for the Church and cues that are pertinent and relevant for the liturgical formation of the youth today. Moreover, the paper articulates some considerations and indications for forming young people in and for the liturgy to help them grow spiritually in their formative years and thus equip them with the needed skills and values to make a positive impact on the Church and on the society both now and in their future.


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How to Cite

Gasparillo, R. (2021). Forming The Youth in and for The Liturgy in The Light of St. Pope John Paul Ii’s Apostolic. Scientia - The International Journal on the Liberal Arts, 10(1), 76–87.


