Exploring the Issue of Ecological Crisis Through the Four Paths Of Matthew Fox’s Creation Spirituality


  • Ma. Emperatriz Gabatbat


Creation Spirituality, Interconnectedness, Stewardship, Original blessing, Anthropocentrism


This paper examined the causes that affect the people’s behavior toward the environment and their response to the increasing ecological crisis of our country. It explored the specific contributions of people to the crisis and the possible measures that each can do to help somehow lessen if not resolve the problem. The Four Paths in Matthew Fox’s Creation Spirituality were helpful tools in determining the various characteristics of people in relation to creation and the challenges that beset it. The VIA POSITIVA, VIA NEGATIVA, VIA CREATIVA AND VIA TRANSFORMATIVA are paths which bring us into the realities of our roles in this cosmos and can in turn help us reflect and realize our major role to bring about change. The analysis of this exploration include the problem of nonchalance, laziness, materialism, greed and a lack of knowledge on the interconnectedness of human beings and other living beings and non-beings. Anthropocentrism also poses a threat to the way we relate to the environment for we have comfortably became used to being the center of all creations and thus, tend to treat the other beings as immaterial. Each ‘crowning glory’ of creation is in no way superior to all others as to freely harm and abuse them in satisfying their self-centered desires. All are called to participate in a genuine stewardship, a sincere care and concern for the common good. Every ‘Juan dela Cruz’ must submit into renewal of perspectives, even changing paradigms in organizations if we truly desire a more harmonious relationship among all creations.


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How to Cite

Gabatbat, M. E. (2019). Exploring the Issue of Ecological Crisis Through the Four Paths Of Matthew Fox’s Creation Spirituality. Scientia - The International Journal on the Liberal Arts, 8(2), 46–58. https://doi.org/10.57106/scientia.v8i2.107


